The magic of Christmas is behind us, and the countdown to 2024 has begun! As you probably noticed from our previous articles, Advent calendars are a great marketing opportunity for everyone from retailers to media groups and sports clubs. 

And since we love to make the fun last, we have something extra special in store for you! In this “campaign of the month” article, we decided to spotlight the most memorable Christmas Advent calendars 2023 made by our customers.

Let the Christmas magic last a little longer with those Advent calendars, and let them inspire you for upcoming events (like Valentine’s Day or Easter, for example).

Let’s get to it!

7 Christmas Advent calendars 2023 for a memorable countdown

1. Advent calendars that elevate your holiday glam

Yves Saint Laurent’s Advent calendar

Let’s kick things off with Yves Saint Laurent! Known for their iconic annual Advent calendars, the brand introduced a unique twist this year. In addition to their physical calendar, they’ve launched a digital version, allowing their audience to win exclusive products daily. 

This move not only aims to engage and expand their audience but also serves as an opportunity to gather valuable first-party data.

To unlock the daily rewards, participants had to fill out a special form and had the option to subscribe to YSL’s newsletter. 


Lancôme’s Advent calendar

Lancôme spiced up the holiday season with a unique Christmas Advent calendar.

Participants had the chance to win fantastic gifts from the brand’s usual beauty lineup and their newest limited edition. To take part in the contests, they simply needed to click on the box of the day and fill out a form!

This was an ingenious way for the brand to promote their new range!


2. The purrfect Advent calendar for your furry friends

Purina’s Christmas advent calendar was a must-try for pet owners seeking a special surprise for their furry friends! 

Each day featured a mix of tasty treats and toys, ensuring a festive experience for your beloved pets. And don’t worry, pet owners, there were surprises in store for you, such as a coffee machine (which can be of great use when your beloved fur friend kept you awake all night)! 

And, Purina seized the opportunity to grow their audience and gather more newsletter subscriptions.


3. A sporty Advent calendar to kick off Christmas 

Clermont Foot 63 introduced an interactive Christmas Advent calendar to keep their fans engaged between events, providing daily challenges for them.

Supporters enjoyed a mix of games, quizzes, and contests, adding a competitive edge to the holiday season while offering chances to win fantastic prizes. From catcher, to memory games and photo contests, there was something for everyone!


4. An advent calendar full of surprises

Neue Westfälische showcased the festive spirit of media by launching their own Christmas Advent calendar! They offered an amazing range of prizes such as tablets, tickets to exciting events, gift vouchers and much more. 

Securing one of those fantastic prizes was a breeze – participants simply had to fill out a form!

This initiative gave the media a great chance to gather valuable first-party data and brought joy to the lucky winners during the holiday season. A true win-win!


5. The ultimate sweet lovers’ Advent calendar

This year, Dr. Oetker’s Christmas Advent calendar was a must for those who craved sweet treats!

Every day revealed a new surprise, such as interactive games (e.g., swipe & match),  brand product giveaways or new mouth-watering Christmas recipes. 

This engaging calendar not only captivated the brand’s audience but was also a fun way to promote their Christmas range.


6. An enchanted Advent calendar

Who doesn’t dream of winning a magical escape? Sandoz Hotels made dreams come true with Christmas Advent calendars highlighting two of their stunning hotels in Switzerland. 

Each daily box revealed a unique opportunity. Entering the contests was a breeze as participants simply needed to provide contact information and, optionally, subscribe to the newsletter. 

Lucky winners got fantastic prizes such as stays, spa treatments, and special meals at the hotel’s restaurant — a truly magical way to end the year!


The Advent calendar is a go-to format, no matter your industry! If you want to create your next one, don’t hesitate to contact our Studio team. They’re ready to craft a personalised calendar to suit your needs in just 3 weeks for the occasion of your choice (e.g. Valentine’s Day)!

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