At Qualifio, we love Christmas and we always make the most of this period to surprise our community with different campaigns (and nice gifts, of course 😉)

Last year, we wanted to give our customers a good dose of fun and a chance to win some fantastic rewards while showing them the capabilities of our new solution, Qualifio Loyalty, an interaction-based loyalty module. That’s how our program Christmas with Qualifio: 7 days of rewards was born. We challenged our customers to take part in different games and interact with us to earn points and win attractive gifts.

This year, after the success of our previous program, we want to allow not only Qualifio users but also non-Qualifio users and all those who follow Qualifio to play with us to win great prizes. And that’s why we’re launching the program “Look back on 2022 with us”, from December 12th to December 21st.

We tell you more about the concept of this new program open to EVERYONE in this article! ⬇️

Test your knowledge of what happened in 2022 with 7 fun quizzes

2022 is coming to an end. But before we say goodbye to this eventful year and jump into 2023, we wanted to look back at the highlights of 2022.

So, we have prepared 7 quizzes for you, from December 12th to December 21st, to test your knowledge on different topics: 

1️⃣ 12/12 – Events of the year. You’ll have to guess which event happened in 2022.
2️⃣ 13/12 – All about sports. Football, tennis, cycling; we’ll see if you have been following the sports news in 2022.
3️⃣ 14/12 – Leaders in the news. Admittedly, the year was overshadowed by talk about Putin and Zelenski, but other world leaders have also shone this year. You’ll have to find the leaders who made the headlines in 2022 hidden in an image. 
4️⃣ 15/12 – Let’s dance. This quiz will be about music and songs! You’ll have 10 questions to show off your musical knowledge.
5️⃣ 16/12 – Lights, camera, action. Have you been to the cinema this year? We hope so because, in this quiz, we’ll look back at the movies released in 2022. 10 questions and only a few seconds to answer them. 
6️⃣ 19/12 – Brands on top. You’ll have to guess the logo of the brands that have done something remarkable in 2022 to fight climate change.
7️⃣ 20/12 – True or false records. We’ve prepared a quiz with questions about the records broken in 2022. You’ll have to guess which one is true and which one is false.


We will unlock a new quiz every day. Be smart, the more questions you answer correctly, the more Qualicoins you will earn. And with these coins, you can claim the reward of your choice from a selection of 100% Belgian products:

🍻 Beers from the “Brasserie Surréaliste”
🍫 Marcolini chocolates
🍪 Maison Dandoy’s speculoos

Let’s get started!

Ready to play and test your knowledge about 2022? Ready to start earning points to win tasty gifts? Then let’s go. First things first, you need to register to the program via this link.

You’ll find all the rules of the program and how you can earn points HERE.

Have fun 😉

About the Qualifio modules we used to create this program

We have created all the quizzes with our Qualifio Engage module. We have selected different mechanics from our catalogue of over 50 formats: classic quiz, chrono quiz, blind test, swiper, etc. We have varied the formats to give you a lot of fun while testing your knowledge of 2022.

Then, we created the program with our Qualifio Loyalty module. Qualifio Loyalty is an interaction-based loyalty module that rewards customers for all types of interactions they have with a brand, not only purchases. In our case, participants will be rewarded based on their participation in our different quizzes. They’ll be able to follow their profile, score and achievements, as well as the leaderboard and the list of rewards they can redeem via a member portal centralising all the information. 

If you want to see and test the program by yourself, it’s all happening over HERE

If you want to know more about our two modules and how to use them to meet your marketing and data collection needs, contact us! ⬇️