Qualifio Insights Report: how major European brands are using data collection

The biggest buzzwords of the past few years in the digital marketing ecosystem have all revolved around data and data collection. And as the now well-known adage goes, “the world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data”.
To see a bit clearer in this sea of data, we’ve analysed the goldmine of campaign and participation data from Qualifio Engage, to understand how the biggest consumer brands in Europe are using interactive marketing formats and gamification to collect actionable and compliant first-party and zero-party data from their audience.
The result? Introducing the “Qualifio Insights Report: data collection“.
What has data deprecation got to do with it?
Data deprecation is currently a significant concern for a lot of brands, as they can no longer rely on third-party cookies to get insights about their audience. And what brands need above all is to be able to understand their audience, to know what their needs and expectations are.

For decades, brands had pretty much unlimited access to consumer data, and they could use it as they saw fit. But consumers are increasingly aware of their data privacy, they’re no longer comfortable with it being shared and used without their consent. Consumers are therefore taking privacy enhancing actions such as using ad-blockers or being much more picky about who and how they share their data.
As a consequence, the number of privacy laws and regulations has also been on the rise worldwide in the past decade, the GDPR in Europe for example, and they’re getting stricter, with large fines being handed out. These major legal shifts in the digital landscape are intended to enhance the consumer’s data privacy rights and to give them greater visibility and control over their data.
Couple these situations with the impending cookieless world, and an increasing number of walled gardens, and brands are faced with a major problem: they can no longer rely on acquired and inferred data to understand their audience. They need actionable, transparent, compliant and consented data. First- and zero-party data, collected thanks to interactive marketing and gamification formats, offer an innovative solution that solves all of these issues.
What’s in the data collection report?
At Qualifio we’re all about data – admittedly we mostly talk about consumer data, as that’s what we enable major consumer brands to collect from their audience. So for a change we decided to take a look at a different type of data: the data from our Qualifio Engage module. And it’s an absolute goldmine!
We built this report with data collected from the Qualifio Engage and Qualifio Loyalty modules for the period of June 2022 to June 2023. And the data was extracted from the Qualifio accounts of over 30 major consumer brands based in France, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, the UK and Germany.

💡 Would you like to find out more about the data collection strategies of some of our customers?
➡️ Take a look at the customer stories from L’Oréal, LolaLiza, LOSC, RTBF, and many more!
By analysing this data, we were hoping to spot the trends and most used techniques that these brands have been using to collect first- and zero-party data from their audience.
In order to classify and organise our conclusions, we clustered the results and our conclusions for three main industries:
📰 The media industry
⚽️ The sports & entertainment industry
🍪 The FMCG industry
When looking at the types of formats used by consumer brands, the data obtained shows that they’re grouped in four main categories:
- Quizzes and contests
- Polls, votes & tests
- Instant wins
- UGC (user-generated content)

Check out all of the 50+ interactive formats in our Qualifio Engage catalogue!
Curious to read the results of this report and find out more about how major consumer brands across Europe are facing the data deprecation and cookieless challenges?
✨ Then read the Qualifio Insights Report now!