By now it has become pretty obvious: display advertising alone cannot really bring profit. In fact, it may even be driving audiences away as banner blindness lures in. Users are becoming increasingly frustrated with pop-ups, overlays, autoplay videos, and the enormous amount of ads they see every day. As a result, the trust that consumers put in online ads is decreasing and ad blocking usage keeps growing. In this context, what can you offer your advertisers?

Are you working for a media company and looking for new ways to generate viable ad revenues? Do you wish to find new creative ad formats, more user-friendly and less intrusive? How can you create content that is both valuable to your advertisers and that provides an interactive experience for your readers?

The solution? Interactive marketing! Interactive ad campaigns can take many shapes and forms. What they have in common is that compared to the experience of passively viewing an ad, these formats actually get consumers engaged and help create a strong, memorable brand experience.

Here’s a look at some real-world use cases and interactive ad campaigns that you can offer your advertisers.